Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Alexx Shorts: DG Cobra Trooper (7/8/12)

Well, this is it: I've finally decided to start reposting my old "Alexx Shorts" G.I. Joe reviews.  They're the reviews that lead to what eventually became this blog!  I'll be posting them in straight copy-and-paste format, separating them with bold dotted lines so you know where they begin and end, and then I'll post some final thoughts on what I think of the figure currently.

For those unfamiliar: I used to take random pictures here and there, but by the time the Rise of Cobra toys came out, I was getting annoying with how much people had been bashing the figures which were clearly better than the previous 25th Anniversary offerings.  I set out to show people how awesome they were, and things went from there, forming into "Alexx Shorts", named so because I thought I was going to keep to a short format with a few pictures.  I did not do that.

Alexx Shorts: DG Shipwreck (7/3/12)

Well, this is it: I've finally decided to start reposting my old "Alexx Shorts" G.I. Joe reviews.  They're the reviews that lead to what eventually became this blog!  I'll be posting them in straight copy-and-paste format, separating them with bold dotted lines so you know where they begin and end, and then I'll post some final thoughts on what I think of the figure currently.

For those unfamiliar: I used to take random pictures here and there, but by the time the Rise of Cobra toys came out, I was getting annoying with how much people had been bashing the figures which were clearly better than the previous 25th Anniversary offerings.  I set out to show people how awesome they were, and things went from there, forming into "Alexx Shorts", named so because I thought I was going to keep to a short format with a few pictures.  I did not do that.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Alexx Shorts: Ret. Cobra Trooper (6/18/12)

Well, this is it: I've finally decided to start reposting my old "Alexx Shorts" G.I. Joe reviews.  They're the reviews that lead to what eventually became this blog!  I'll be posting them in straight copy-and-paste format, separating them with bold dotted lines so you know where they begin and end, and then I'll post some final thoughts on what I think of the figure currently.

For those unfamiliar: I used to take random pictures here and there, but by the time the Rise of Cobra toys came out, I was getting annoying with how much people had been bashing the figures which were clearly better than the previous 25th Anniversary offerings.  I set out to show people how awesome they were, and things went from there, forming into "Alexx Shorts", named so because I thought I was going to keep to a short format with a few pictures.  I did not do that.

Alexx Shorts: Ret. Cobra Commander - Black and Blue (6/14/12)

Well, this is it: I've finally decided to start reposting my old "Alexx Shorts" G.I. Joe reviews.  They're the reviews that lead to what eventually became this blog!  I'll be posting them in straight copy-and-paste format, separating them with bold dotted lines so you know where they begin and end, and then I'll post some final thoughts on what I think of the figure currently.

For those unfamiliar: I used to take random pictures here and there, but by the time the Rise of Cobra toys came out, I was getting annoying with how much people had been bashing the figures which were clearly better than the previous 25th Anniversary offerings.  I set out to show people how awesome they were, and things went from there, forming into "Alexx Shorts", named so because I thought I was going to keep to a short format with a few pictures.  I did not do that.

Monday, July 17, 2017

The Second Post About Being Pissed at Photobucket

There was a thing, a good while ago, where Photobucket tried some "Load more" crap with their site, making it impossible for me to get to older pictures.  I made a post, things were annoying for awhile, and they eventually fixed it and all was well.

All is no longer well.

I guess Photobucket can no longer allow people to post pictures wherever they like - hotlinking - which is a word I haven't heard since I had dial-up internet.  Maybe I'm just clueless.  Maybe this is serious.  Maybe it's something they can't do without charging for it.  Maybe they're not screwing around with us.

Doesn't matter.  Here's the deal: I can't do what I want with my pictures unless I shell out 400 dollars a year. I wasn't told about this.  No email.  I had to look online to see all the outrage.  I guess Photobucket left a little post on their own blog, but just went ahead with the plan and screwed us all. So far my pictures are showing up here and there, but not all of them.  I don't know if they'll all disappear or if this will clear up.  It would have been nice if Photobucket had given me a warning before ruining everything I've worked on, but...here we are.

So!  Where are we?  Well, considering my glut of old Joe reviews, it's no secret that I've had a harder time keeping this going since my boy was born.  I'd be lying if I said that was the only problem.  I've got a MAJOR cleaning project in my toyroom and basement, before I can get back to regular posts.  So there's that hanging over my head.  Now we've got this, as well!  If Photobucket doesn't get pressured back to their old model (and like I said: I am clueless.  Maybe they're legit) then I have to move somewhere else.  Since nearly all my picture links are broken, that means I have to read the file names, line then up with the pictures on my computer, upload them wherever I decide to go, and reload everything all over again (hopefully in the right order).  Or, I suppose I could just upload them directly to blogger, I dunno.

I already had a project on my hands with cleaning...so now we have yet another project of re-picturing the WHOLE BLOG.  I don't think I need to say that this kinda kills the blog for the time being.

The only good news I can give you, is that my Instagram is still going strong (and over 1000 followers, somehow).  I have been doing some minor focuses (like a recent MotUC focus), but now that the blog is dead in the water, I may try to do some short insta-reviews. They'll be more to-the-point and lacking in my little comics, but at least you'll get some toy info and my special brand of incessant rambling in the comment part.

Thanks for sticking around as long as you have, thanks for reading, thanks for laughing (at or with, I don't care), and thanks for giving me my little section of the internet.  I'm gona keep going so long as my toy interest thrives, so this isn't an ending, just a State of the Blog address.  If the pictures stay mostly dead, then you know I've got a lot of work ahead of me.  If they come back all at once, then yay! Regular work continues.  Only time will tell.

 ~ Alexx

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Alexx Shorts: 30th Dreadnoks 7-Pack (6/4/12)

Well, this is it: I've finally decided to start reposting my old "Alexx Shorts" G.I. Joe reviews.  They're the reviews that lead to what eventually became this blog!  I'll be posting them in straight copy-and-paste format, separating them with bold dotted lines so you know where they begin and end, and then I'll post some final thoughts on what I think of the figure currently.

For those unfamiliar: I used to take random pictures here and there, but by the time the Rise of Cobra toys came out, I was getting annoying with how much people had been bashing the figures which were clearly better than the previous 25th Anniversary offerings.  I set out to show people how awesome they were, and things went from there, forming into "Alexx Shorts", named so because I thought I was going to keep to a short format with a few pictures.  I did not do that.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Alexx Shorts: Renegades 4-Pack - Amazon Exclusive (5/17/12)

Well, this is it: I've finally decided to start reposting my old "Alexx Shorts" G.I. Joe reviews.  They're the reviews that lead to what eventually became this blog!  I'll be posting them in straight copy-and-paste format, separating them with bold dotted lines so you know where they begin and end, and then I'll post some final thoughts on what I think of the figure currently.

For those unfamiliar: I used to take random pictures here and there, but by the time the Rise of Cobra toys came out, I was getting annoying with how much people had been bashing the figures which were clearly better than the previous 25th Anniversary offerings.  I set out to show people how awesome they were, and things went from there, forming into "Alexx Shorts", named so because I thought I was going to keep to a short format with a few pictures.  I did not do that.