Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Imaginext Power Rangers: White Ranger (Tiger Power) and Lord Zedd 'n Goldar

Hey, remember when I reviewed the Imaginext Power Rangers?  Well there's more!  Let's go to the video tape.

...I'm kidding, I don't have a video tape.  I mean, I still have tapes, but I haven't recorded on one in a long time.  I think the last thing I recorded on tape was Dragon Ball Z.

Nevermind: Power Rangers!  This time around we're getting a White Ranger exclusively with his White Tiger Zord.

This is like any Imaginext figure, and he looks great to boot.  Only thing you'll find different between this one and the other Rangers is this: For some reason, the White Ranger isn't based on the movie costumes like with the rest of the Rangers.

I suppose it doesn't match, but I don't care.  This is the White Ranger, and you couldn't mistake him for anyone else, so I'm happy.

The White Ranger comes with Saba, his talking tiger sword.  It looks great!  Like...really great.  Better than the ones that come with the regular Power Ranger toys.

It's also pretty big, which is common among the Imaginext weapons so far, so it's not outside the Imaginext style.  It's so nicely detailed (if a little thick) that it actually looks great with Bandai's standard White Ranger, if you wanted to swap out his tiny white Saba.

...I got a lot of White Rangers.

Anyway, the White Ranger comes with his zord, the White Tiger Zord, source of the "White Ranger Tiger Power" music, or so I'm convinced.

It's not too complicated - just some basic movements and action features you'd expect from the 90's.

The mouth opens manually, and sports that little red ball that's in his mouth.

The tail also moves manually!  I was kinda hoping it would open and close the mouth, but I guess Imaginext goes the one-action-feature-per-red-pad route, since the red action pad (where the figure stands) is supposed to be the major feature activator.

Case in point: the limbs are also manual and and all that, save for one.  The red pad does this to one of the front limbs:

It's a nice, powerful SWIPE, and he looks like he's batting at a giant ball of yarn....monster.  If it's swatting at regular figures, it's really gona launch 'em.

Last thing is your standard missile launcher, which, sadly, is not removable.  The launchers on the T-Rex Zord were removable so you had that untouched Zord look, but this guy will always have that awkward launcher jutting out of the top.  Kinda wish they had modified the mouth to do that instead.  Who doesn't love missiles launching out of a tiger mouth?

I'm not so much a vehicle man, nowadays, but I wouldn't hesistate to pick this up if you want the White Ranger.  The White Tiger Zord is still neat, and the only thing marring the design is the launcher, and....well, who cares, ya know?  It's a toy!  Have fun.  If you care that much, I don't think it would be hard to unscrew this guy and take the launcher out.

Now, come with me and take a look at LORD ZEDD.  And Goldar, but I'm not gona act like I'm not excited for him, too.

Lord Zedd is awesome and you should buy him.  I mean, if he were missing anything, I'd say it's the blue veins on his body (which are sculpted, but not painted) but I can't bring myself to care.  He's so cute!  Lookit the li'll guy!

I'm a Lord Zedd fan, so I guess I'm gona be biased, but I really can't find any faults with this.  Even the staff is nice and sturdy (not soft and bendy) and has the full tapered length, unlike a lot of others.  It's funny how these Imaginext guys - little kid friendly versions - have the most accurate accessories (save for the size, on a few) besides Figuarts.

The folks at Imaginext had a stroke of genius and packed Zedd with a normal Goldar, sealing the deal and making this pack a must-have, if you're collecting Imaginext (and if not, hell, get it anyway). 

He's a tiny bit more restricted, in that his head doesn't turn as much and his arms don't go as high due to the hard shoulder armor, but you're not missing much.  He still does what these little guys need to do, which is be sturdy and look cute.


We don't have a close up of the face?  We don't.  Okay.

Here's the back!  I kinda wish the wings were on hinges, or were removable, but it's not terribly important. 

Here he is with his previously reviewed big 'ol bad self.  They did a great job on both!  Such a great job that, while I was editing the pictures, I kept getting mixed up on whether or not I was zoomed in.  It's like they seriously grabbed two corners of him and pulled outward, like on a touch screen.

If you're already collecting the Power Rangers Imaginext stuff, then I probably don't need to tell you to get these.  If you're collecting and were wondering if these are worth it as well: YES.  If you're only a mild fan and, perhaps, just like Lord Zedd - GET IT.  Honestly, I that set is golden.  Goldar.  It's that too. 

I hope this line keeps truckin' along 'cause it's magical, I tell ya.


  1. Man, these are pretty cool. You're totally right too: Fisher-Price is making better Power Ranger figures than Bandai. That's hilarious!

    I'm digging the Lord Zedd and Goldar set. I'll probably snag it if I see it.

    1. Yeah, it's weird how fancy and accurate the weapons are (even if some are too big, technically). Mattel really has to spread the Imaginext team around to show others how to do it.

  2. I love that last shot. Power rangers with splosions behind them. Classic. I can just hear those crazy guitars.

    1. Lookin' at it now, I kinda wish I had posed the Red Ranger a little better. He's like: "Oh, what? Did you take the picture?"

  3. A poem:

    Ranger Tiger Power, White.
    Ranger Tiger Power, White.
    Ranger Tiger Power, White.
    Ranger Tiger Power.

    Go. White. Ranger.
    Go. White. Ranger.
    Go. White. Ranger.
    Gowhiteranger right nooooowwww aaaahhhh

    1. *Golf clap* Brilliant! It's going right in the collected works of humanity's greatest poets. Go, White Ranger. Go with the dignity and grace of those before you.

  4. Let's admit it that only toys can make kids and children happy.

  5. All you need now is push forward and scream!!!!!!
